晚餐準備時間,Natxo卻一直在旁邊搞怪跟本沒在幫忙 Dinner time, Natxo don't help,he just play the funny beside Idoia. |
馬鈴薯和洋蔥放在一起油炸 frida del papas y cebollas |
超油的~~我說西班牙的油一定很多吧 mas aceite~~ there are a lot of oil in Spain!! |
看起來好像大家都在幫忙,實際上只有兩個女生在下廚 其他人都在旁說笑打屁 Look like everyone help to cooking . In fact, it just have two girls to cook. = =" |
靜不下來的Natxo和認真煮飯的Idoia funny Natxo and concentration Idoia |
主廚在右下角偷懶上網 Where is our chef?? hey~ Idoia what are u doing??Nobody to cook~~how about the dinner@@? |
認真在炸餡料的Idoia 一直喊熱圍巾還不拿下來 |
炸完之後,撈出來放在衛生紙上吸油 after fried,remove the surface oil with paper |
經過兩次翻面油煎之後 就成為西班牙的Trotilla fried the both side~~ Spainsh Trotilla is completed |
Markus一直說星期五換他下廚煮大餐請我,要我多留一天,太熱情了,我沒辦法再多停留必需盡快啟程,sorry~ 有機會在德國相見時,再煮個大餐請我吧!! 哈哈
Wonderful night!! Thanks a lot for everybody
呃啊~~ 真的好油>"<
哈哈 真的很油,我切了兩小塊吃就飽了