
2010 6/13 里程84km 加拿大

        全身裝備濕的徹底,睡袋都濕得冰冷,我請RVpark的員工幫我向昨晚的大叔道謝後便離開。與visitor centre的老爺爺聊了一小時,順便問一些天候資訊,但雨勢絲毫沒有轉小,只好硬著頭皮上路,騎了約12km後,兩支腳底板已經失溫,感覺不到自己的手指和腳底板,看到campground就轉進去,希望有可以擋雨的地方。


Why did you leave your home?
Did you miss your soil of homeland?
Why did you forsake your friends who love you?

The coldest wind will penetrate your skin;
The keen rain will pierce your bone.
Even though you don’t care, your heart will be frozen.

Could you still feel lover’s warm?
Would you remember your destination or purpose?
You are just a pilgrim, NOT a great adventurer.
When you camp in the wild, you so scared the bear and wolf.

Why don’t you go home?
Maybe, you have some reason for yourself..................

...........I cannot answer NOW
The reason has been not important.
The WHY must be different from everyone.
No matter WHY?
Being in the world by self


